Narrative Arcs in Jason's Hey, Wait...
This article explores the existing narrative arcs within Jason's Hey, Wait... by contextualizing a critical framework for stylistic and content interpretation that influence a possible perception of the text's constituent structure. Narrative arcs, theorist Neil Cohn discusses in The Visual Language of Comics , exist as a “narrative grammar” in the graphic novel and comic genres that function as “visual sentence[s]” (70). Unlike sentences, though, “Arcs do not overtly mark their beginnings (such as with capital letters) or endings (such as with periods). […] Despite this lack of overt markings, readers can intuitively sense where these segments begin and end in an ongoing sequence” (70). Though I agree with his notion regarding this typical intuition we have as readers, I posit that our understanding of a narrative arc can individually shift based on each individual interpretation of the entirety of the visual language elements incorporated throughout ...